Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The landscape changes, the people change, our needs change, but the train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station. Paulo Coelho
TD - Lalph Rauren Polo [FATPACK] Gianni, Legacy
First of all I would like to thank TREIZED DESIGNS for accepting me in their blogging team ❤️
Here I show you the fatpack, but each color can be purchased separately and they are available at MEN ONLY by Flair For Events, Taxi HERE
Compatible with Gianni and Legacy. There is demo so always try!
Stay close to [TREIZED DESIGNS]
NinaX: Ken Breathing Stands + Poses
8 Bento mirror versions of Breathing Stands w/hand animations
8 Bento mirror versions of static poses
- Animations & Breathings stands are Priorty 4;
- Poses are Priority 3.
Stay close to NinaX by following them and stay informed about their novelty
For this post Eva wear Caleb GAEG head and Signature Gianni body, Skin Caleb included with the head, Bom beard included with the head, my shape (not for sell), hair style Dura-U105, [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes 3.0 Glamor (Previous post), [GA.EG] Ultimate Ears - Sharp Claws ( Previous post), Tattoo from )Jean [sYs] CHESTER
If there is something you liked on pictures and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.
Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️