My heart says eat chocolate but my jeans say <<for the love of god woman eat a salade!>> Nevermind i wear a Sexy princess lingerie *winks
[Sexy Princess] Tease Lingerie
Compatible with Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique
EXCLUSIVE for FROU FROU Event until 8 March Taxi
More beautiful fashion ------> Mainstore and Marketplace
TAOX TATTOO WOMEN - Back Love Sashina
New release!
Three different intensities, from light to dark.
Compatible with: Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, Slink
Visit Mainstore and Marketplace
Endless poses - Chocolate
Cute and funny pose from Endless, copy modify, chocolate and chocolate box included
Available on Endless marketplace
On this pictures i wear Swan skin version freckles from .::Cle@::.