I may not be there yet but i'm closer than i was yesterday
Mulan is finally available! you can't imagine how happy i'm because was really really long to finish, i made a mistake, started again and again ... Well i think is good now laughs
Anyway if something is wrong let me know, will be kind.
So i did these skins for Sakura GAEG head but should be good on all GAEG heads. You can have a preview on Rachel HERE
*Mad'moiselle* Mulan GAEG skin BOM
Exist in 7 tones.. Skin head only, bodies sold separately.
Each tone included 5 lipsticks, 5 eyeshadows and 4 skins (darkbrows, medbrows, lightbrows and browsless)
Below i give you for each tone the marketplace links:
*Mad'moiselle* Skin body
Omg it was a nightmare to do them lol but i wanted to do them for as much body as possible. Also 7 tones available and you will find for Maitreya, Tonic, Legacy, Slink, Belleza.
Each body and tone sold separately and are available on marketplace.
There are too many for me to put each link but you can easily find on market.
If you want a preview in game, i did a short video as usual.
I keep my fingers crossed, hoping that i haven't done too much bullshit and i hope like me you will like wearing them.
If you want to have the same look as the picture this is appearance detail
Head GAEG Sakura (previous post HERE)
Shape *Mad'moiselle* Mulan (coming on marketplace)
Skin *Mad'moiselle* Mulan Milkshake
Eyes AG Tease Pack
Magika - Hair - Alexandra
*Tentacio* Be free set fatpack
f there is something you liked on pictures and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.
Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️