We should try to hold on to the Christmas spirit, not just one day a year, but all 365 and to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us.
[KH] Christmas Decorations
Here are some adorable decorations for the holiday season from Korpokkur. This set is available at Uber until December 22, 2021, taxi HERE
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Description picture
Apple Fall Hampton Outdoor Fireplace, LB_WeepingWillow.V2{Animated}, LB_RiverMangroveTree{Animated}*4Seasons, Twinkle Twinkle My Reindeer.
If there is something you liked on pictures and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.
Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️