Sweet September Sun
Hey summer is not over, we still have a hot day, So Flip Flops and Bikini are always essential!
*GA* Shoes - Roxy Flip Flops - Hawaiian
Compatible with Maitreya and Legacy. Each brand sold separately. 15 Plastic Textures, Heel Sounds, Advanced Materials, High Quality & 100% Original, Configurable by HUD.
You can get them in store or directly on the marketplace HERE FOR MAITREYA MODEL
Stay close of GAEG creations
YM SHOP_Alvina Bikini
Sexy bikini compatible with Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, Legacy, Classic. Included textures hud to mix and match as you want.
Surprises, gifts, very small prices!
Stay informed about all YM Shop news
For this post Eva wear Genus head and Maitreya body, Skin Mad'moiselle Melye Genus Organza Darkbrows, Eva's shape (not for sell), hairstyle [monso], AG eyes, JIAN Pugs - Brindle Companion
If there is something you liked on my picture or video and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.
Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️
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