It's weird not to be wierd - John Lennon
Eyes add-on for your GAEG ultimate eyes. You can get them for free HERE
In this post I show you the 3 packs and they are sold separately.
You can click on GAEG picture below to get them and read description's designer.
Stay close of GAEG creations
For this post Eva wear Caleb GAEG head and Signature Gianni body, Skin Caleb included with the head, my shape (not for sell), [GA.EG] Ultimate Ears - Sharp Claws (Previous post), *Mad'moiselle* Freckles body and face (Available market or mainstore), hair style Dura-U114, Fashion style BOYS TO THE BONE, BOYS TO THE BONE taggig necklacegroup gift, *Mad'moiselle* Dancing hearts face tattoo (Available market or mainstore).
If there is something you liked on pictures and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.
Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️