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  • Photo du rédacteurEva-Lisy

FYR - Essential Outfit Fatpack

If I were a boy, I wouldn't be afraid to walk alone at night and watch the stars


FYR - Essential Outfit Fatpack

I just joined FYR as blogger, I'm so happy to be able to take pictures wearing their awesome collection of men's clothing. Thank you!

Essential outfit is available at 2MUCH Event until 16th Nov, Taxi HERE

I love its young and modern style and super quality!

In the video I show you the fatpack, but each color can be purchased separately, the hoodie and the pant also.


Stay tuned with FYR



Description picture and video

[GA.EG] Caleb BoMGen Bento Head with my own shape, [GA.EG] Full Skins - Caleb - B5, [GA.EG] Ultimate Ears - Sharp Claws, Signature Gianni body, hairbase Modulus, shoes [ VERSOV ], [Rezz Room] Rottweiler, pose with Animare

If there is something you liked on pictures and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.

Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️

  • NEW LOGO B(u)Y ME  dark
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