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  • Photo du rédacteurEva-Lisy

:FNY: Refurbished Mannequin Set ✿ [ADD] Jessica Set - MEGAPACK

In the attic of my mind is where my darkest secret lie low. Dusty words, long left unspoken, stay hidden. Burdens of the past and fears of all my tomorrows seek refuge. I seek refuge there, too. Isolated but centered, i turn within to make peace, to make amends, to make sense.


:FNY: Refurbished Mannequin Set

100% original mesh, included 10 different parts and 4 examples. Exclusive at Salvage Station until December 20, 2021 taxi HERE


Stay tuned with FNY Designs

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[ADD] Jessica Set - MEGAPACK

Soft sweater and skirt, - Megapack, Fatpack, Single Color. Compatible with: - Maitreya + Petite, Legacy + Perky, Kupra + Kups, Belleza Freya, Slink Hourglass, eBODY REBORN.

20 color, 20 patterns, customize.

Exclusive for this round of Cosmopolitan Event until Nov. 28 2021, taxi HERE


Stay tuned with [ADD]



Description picture and video

Genus baby head, Maitreya body petite, Skin *Mad'moiselle* Melye Genus Organza, *Mad'moiselle* Acroquer Genus, AG eyes, hairstyle Doux, boots Blueberry

If there is something you liked on pictures or video and which is not in the description, you can contact me will be a pleasure to share with you.

Thank you for the visit, sending love. Be safe Eva ❤️

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